11 Mar 2018

飛騨神岡初金毘羅祭 Hida Kamioka Konpira Festival

Last year a local friend recommended me a carnival-like festival in Hida Kamioka but I did not join it due to work. On 24 February, my friend and I visited Kamioka for the festival.  From 6 pm, the parade started while the first group is Fire Department.  About 10 festival floats came one by one. Locals dressed up in different costumes and dance along the streets.  However, we found that adult and children's attention was more on the spot written 「呑」 and 「ま」means the place with free sake and free presents. We were waiting inside the crowd with the kids. When the present time comes, everyone was so excited to wave their hands and we were 'attacked' by candies, ramen noodles, chocolate and snacks. The pain did not make us retreat because local's saying that the presents are in fact the luck given by local people for the coming year 😝 Finally, our bags are full of luck !!!! We had so much fun in the festival !!! 😍😍

跟朋友去了飛騨神岡的初金比羅祭。上年當地的朋友熱情的邀請我去參加,但因工作參加不了。今年很幸運可以參加😍 ,一直也很期待當地人說好像嘉年華會一樣的活動。晚上6點開始,先是當地的消火隊伍遊行,然後就是一隊接一隊的花車,載歌載舞,但當地人最喜歡的卻是地圖上「呑」和「ま」的地方,就是有免費日本酒任喝及接禮物的地方。沒想到我們像小孩子一樣接到零食,拉麵,巧克力,蛋糕等。我的包子都是禮物,最逗的是我們的頭部,臉都被當地人用禮物「攻擊」了,但為了能夠得到他們的祝福,我們還是很努力的正面迎接禮物,很好玩的節日活動😍😍

The mascot of the Konpira Festival

Hida Kamioka in winter

Free sake

We are waiting for the free candies and snack!

One of the beautiful floats in the parade

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